The Race Factor in today's politics:
Lets not get caught up in years past where race or being different mattered. I hope that most of us have learned from the past and the horrors that were imposed on people with different colors of skin than our own. In the beginning we killed and tortured Indians because they were different and then we moved on to do the same to the slaves we kept. In all we as white Americans should be ashamed of our ancestor's and the way they treated people of difference.
I hope that we have all out grown such bad behavior and realize that just because one skin color is different does not mean that they are bad. It is time to judge a person as a person and not a ethnic stereo type. If we as people ever really want to progress in life as humans on this planet then we need to come together as humans with equal rights among all of us. Man, woman, black, brown, and white need the right to live as humans with equal rights.
Tonight CNN did a special on whether race would play a factor in the POLITICAL RACE. I watched this and my eyes were opened to one thing. It seems that the older generation has more hang ups over race than the middle age group or younger group. Now this is a shame because so many of these people lived through some very tough racily times. You would think that with seeing first hand the abuse that occurred to innocent people was wrong, they would be more understanding and respectful of all people.
This group is mostly Senior Citizens that say they "I will never vote for a black man for President" What is it fear that your past treatment of these people will come back to haunt you? I want to know how some of you sleep at night with thoughts like this? Let walk backwards in time for a few words. So many white people turn their heads to the beatings, the cross burnings, the spitting on black people as they walked by, the sitting on the back of the bus, coming in the back door of a business, black bathrooms only, and so on! It is today's Seniors that let all this take place and turned a blind eye to it and if anything you should be ashamed of yourself for not standing up for a simple human right. That right is the same as yours to be happy and raise a family. I would hope to think that just one of them would be in the shoes of just one black person that watched as the cross burned in their yard, the fear on their children's face as they watched there daddy being beaten to death in the front yard or hung from the tree on the side of the house. Just think if it was your children watching this take place to your husband. Now if you are truly a white bible thumping christian that at one time turned your head to all of this I would hate to be you on judgement day. The bible says judge he not unless you be judged and the ALMIGHTY will judge you hard. It is time to do what is right and simply judge the politics and not the color, age, but the person and what they will do for our country as a whole.
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