I have set back and listened time after time( I have also done this, too!) that it is the President to blame, it is the Congress to blame, it really is all our fault when you stop and look at it as a whole.
The American people have been living well over their means for years and now it is catching up to us all. It seems that what ever Congress does it will only be for the short term fix, but it must come from each of us to make it a long term fix!
Let me explain before you start to get all pissed off. How people do you know that think the more stuff they own is a show of prosperity? How many people do you know that think by driving a high dollar car shows how successful they are? Do you get my point here?
Now how many of these people have bought all of these things on credit with little to no money down to obtain these items? The old adage of: It's not what you do with your money that makes you who you are but how you control your money will make you more than you are. It seems that people want others approval more than they want to do what is right to survive.
So if you understand as I do then it must start with us and all of us to re-think what we are doing with our money. We must all start to pay down our debt and stop buying things we do not need. Here is something real easy to do to get a person started in doing just this! The next time you go to the store and you reach for an item ask yourself is this a want or a need? If you just want it then put it back if it is a need to survive item then buy it. If you can not pay cash for it the put it back. Before long you will see just how much crap you do not need and the little amount you need to survive. I welcome your comments on this so put your two bits in.
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