Here are my concerns:
1. John McCain is 72 years old. I've read that he has a nearly 30 percent of dying before his term ends - perhaps much higher because of his less-than-ideal health - recurrent skin cancer episodes, for example. I would think that when you also factor in the chance he'll suffer a debilitating stroke or the like or even be assassinated, the chances would rise to over 50 percent. Therefore Palin should be evaluated as if she were running for President.
I would like good statistics on this issue.
2. Sarah Palin's actual policy positions are at variance with that of most Americans, particularly American women. She is "pro-life" in the extreme - no exceptions for rape or incest - and has denied rape kits to women in Alaska who have been raped.
I would like solid information on her other policy positions, insofar as we know them.
3. Sarah Palin's "pastor(s) problem(s)". One apparently is a witch doctor from Africa and another says the Jews need to be wiped out.
Again, solid information about these - including links to relevant You Tube videos would be much appreciated.
4. Her lies, repeated over and over again. Truth about the "bridge to nowhere" is, I think, pretty well established now, but I am sure there are many others which I would like to document, including "troupergate".
Please help me with this project - I hope this site can help get the truth about this terrible choice out to the American people before the election.
If you feel so inclined, please contribute to the Obama campaign at barackobama.com
Thank you!
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